Checkstyle is a development tool to help programmers write Java code that adheres to a coding standard. It automates the process of checking Java code to spare humans of this boring (but important) task. This makes it ideal for projects that want to enforce a coding standard.
I am a second year MSc Computer Science Student, doing my thesis at the PRB lab, mostly interested in Computer Vision by Deep Learning.
Otto Kaaij
I am a first year MSc Computer Science Student, with an interest in algorithmics and distributed systems. I did a Bachelor Thesis on XAI, and have an interest in eduction.
I'm a first year MSc Computer Science student in the software engineering track. I'm interested in human-computer interaction, interactive intelligence, and computer ethics.
Running Checkstyle on Larger Projects
Checkstyle: Quality and Evolution
Checkstyle: Architecture for Extensibility
The Checkstyle Vision: Keeping Your Code in Check
Specified violation message in FallThroughCheck
Checkstyle uses resource files to run automated tests, and right now these files only have // violation
when there is an expected violation. A new system has been developed that also takes in the violation message, in case the wrong violation is caught. There is a large issue aiming to solve this. We have added the violation messages for the FallThroughCheck