React Native
During this project, we will analyze the product react-native. React-native is a javascript development framework which can compile to both Android and IOs.
Master Computer Science student at the TU-Delft. Following the special program information architecture.
Master Computer Science student at the TU-Delft specializing in the track of Artificial Intelligence; Part-time RPA Developer for multiple large companies in the Netherlands.
React Native: Scalability
React Native: Quality and Evolution
React Native: From Vision to Architecture
React Native: a Product Vision and Problem Analysis
changed android_hyphenation to version 0.67.3
There was an open issue in React-Native: This issue stated that there was a mistake in the React-Native TextProps. However, as noticed by another contributor. This issue was not in the React-Native repotisory. The value ‘android_hyphenation’ was changed in the new React-Native version of 0.67.3: So the problem was that the docs were not yet adjusted. Our contribution fixed the possible textprops in the React-Native documentation:
Hyphenation normal enum
With our other contribution, the moderator noticed that the documentation of ‘android_hyphenation’ was not edited in the older versions. He asked us if we could update the ’normal’ enum to all the other docs versions. We did this and created a new PR for this: The moderator commented this: “Thanks @zegermouw for picking up this task, great work! 👍”.